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Total Value Enabled $110.584+ Billion
Active Developers 150k+
Commits 108,000+
Users 7,000+
Updated 10m ago
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May ‘24
Top Monthly Web3 developers
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62.4k Followers 6y 5m
56.8k Followers 5y 6m
52.6k Followers 2y 1m
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Find & connect with the best builders. Unleash the power of thousands of vetted Web3 developers on Reputable.
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Getting ranked on Reputable
A developer’s ranking on Reputable is dependent on a number of factors
Commits on GitHub Your ranking is primarily dictated by the amount and volume of commits submitted on GitHub.
Code Adoption Gaining recognition by the developer community for your well-adopted code strengthens your reputation.
Ranking Based on the number of commits, code adoption and Reputable score, a developer is ranked on Reputable.
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Reputable is a decentralized protocol designed to quantify and standardize the reputation of Web3 developers. It uses both on-chain activities and off-chain contributions to generate transparent and trustless reputation scores for developers.
The Reputable ranking system aggregates data from multiple sources including on-chain and off-chain activities to create a comprehensive score for each developer. This score reflects their contributions, influence, and reliability in the Web3 space. Rankings are updated regularly to reflect the most current data.
To get started with Reputable, connect your GitHub, and follow the simple setup process to begin tracking your development contributions and building your reputation.
Reputable integrates directly with GitHub to fetch real-time data regarding your contributions to various projects. This data is used in conjunction with the on-chain activity to calculate your overall reputation score.
For more detailed information about Reputable, how it works, and how you can leverage it to boost your visibility in the Web3 space, visit our Documentation page or join our community on Discord to engage with other users and the development team.
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